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Here’s what you need to know about paying your employees’ super.

When you pay your employees’ contributions, they need to meet SuperStream requirements.

Using a clearing house ensures your payments are SuperStream compliant, and makes them easy to track. If you use OneTouch Payroll software, you might already have access to a clearing house through it. Small business with less than 20 employees may be able to access the Australian Taxation Office’s Small Business Superannuation Clearing House for free.

When we receive a Super Guarantee contribution from an employer, we need to check the information sent with it matches the member’s Future Super account.

Our system will only accept a contribution if the member numberlast name/sdate of birth (DOB), and Tax File Number (TFN) provided are an exact match for the member’s Future Super account information.

Your employee can check their account details by logging in to their online account or using the Future Super app. They can also reach out to our team by emailing us at, or by calling 1300 658 422 - see our Contact Us page for more details.

Our fund details are

Fund name
Future Super or Future Super Fund
45 960 194 277
45 960 194 277 010
Fund registration number
We do not have a SPIN number. Use our USI instead.
Fund Phone Number
1300 658 422
Fund Address
GPO Box 2754, Brisbane QLD 4001

The letter to confirm we’re a complying fund who will accept employer contributions is our General Compliance Certificate.

Important information for rejected contributions

If you’ve had a Super Guarantee contribution returned to you since the end of October 2023, it may be due to a failed verification check.

From 1 November 2023, our system has been updated with more robust checks to verify member information. The most common mistake leading to returned contribution are typos in the name and/or date of birth, and members who have legally changed their name but are yet to update their super account.

We recommend that your employee checks the name and date of birth listed on their online account, or verifies their details by contacting our team, to help you compare against the details listed the employee file used by your payroll system or clearing house.

We also recommend ensuring you have the correct member number for the employee and are not using the account number associated with their superannuation account.

Future Super’s bank account details were changed in in 2023. If your employee’s details are correct, please confirm that your clearing house or payroll system are using our correct and up-to-date fund details by checking that their system has synced with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)’s Fund Validation Service (FVS) register since 1 November 2023.

Related documents

Standard Choice Form

You can use this form to ask your employer to pay your super contributions into your Future Super account. We've pre-filled this version with Future Super's details to make things faster for you.

General Compliance Certificate

Send this to your employer if they need a letter confirming that we're a complying fund that will accept employer contributions.

Related FAQs

Can I make employer super contributions outside of a clearinghouse?

Unfortunately, due to regulatory requirements, we can only accept employer super contributions via a clearinghouse.

We will no longer be able to accept payment received via direct deposit or BPay as these are no longer SuperStream compliant.If we do receive employer contribution payments via these methods, the funds will be returned within 28 days.

In the event that you can't make a payment to your employee through a clearinghouse, please get in touch with the ATO to find out what options are available to you.


Can I pay employees' super contributions by cheque?

We do not accept contributions via cheque as these are notSuperStream compliant. Please contact us if you are having difficulties making a payment on behalf of your employee.

You can send us an email via You can give us a call on 1300 658 422.


Can I pay multiple employees' super contributions in one payment?

Yes. Whenpaying via a clearing house, you can send the contribution information for all your employees together with your electronic payment to the clearing house, and the clearing house does the rest.


Can I see what employee contributions I made on your website?

No. Please email our Member Advocacy team at if you require further information about the payments you have made.


Can I sign my employees up to Future Super?

No. Future Super is a choice fund. Every member must choose to join the fund.


Common issues when paying by clearing house

Where do I find all the payment information?

You can find our fund information on our website here.

You can request the member number from your employee. You can also request they complete a Standard Choice Form.

Why would my contributions be returned?

If you have had a contribution amount returned to you, it's possible that some of the fund or member information was incorrect. It may also be due to the member account being inactive.

You may wish to check the fund and member details you have are correct. If all the details are correct, you can reach out to our Member Advocacy team on 1300 658 422 or email us at

Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH) Troubleshooting

If you experience an issue within the SBSCH, you can find a list of troubleshooting resolutions here.


How do I pay super contributions?

There are some rules around how employers must pay super:

  • Super Guarantee (SG) contributions must be paid at least four times a year, by the quarterly due dates.
  • Contributions must be paid and reported electronically in a standard format, ensuring you meet SuperStream requirements.
  • Super payments must go to a complying super fund and most employees can choose their own fund.
  • There may be penalties for late super guarantee contribution payments or if no super contribution payments are made when they are legally owed to employees.

You can read more about paying super and your obligations as an employer on the ATO's website here.

We are only able to accept employer contribution payments via a clearing house as this is the SuperStream compliant method and ensures we have all the information required to allocate member contributions correctly.

A clearing house can also make paying super much easier as it allows you to make contributions for multiple employees and across various super funds in one payment.

If you use a payroll software, you may wish to ask your system provider if it is SuperStream compliant. Some payroll systems cover both information and payments, but some cover information only and you may need to pay super contributions to each super fund separately. Even if you have previously paid super contributions by EFT or BPAY, you may not be reporting your SuperStream data electronically in a standard format.

You can use the ATO's SuperStream certified product register to check if your payroll software is compliant or find another SuperStream compliant solution.

The ATO also has a handy Step-by-Step Guide for ensuring you are paying super contributions compliantly.


How much super do I need to pay?

Generally, Australian employers are required by Government legislation to make superannuation contributions for all employees, regardless of how much they make each month, their employment basis (full time, part time or casual) or their residency status (e.g. if they are temporary resident) in Australia.

The minimum you must pay is called the Super Guarantee (SG) and this is currently 11.5% of the employee's wages.

You can read more about how much super you need to pay on the ATO website here.


Oops! I've overpaid employer contributions. How can I request a refund?

If you have made an error and require a refund for overpaid contributions, we will require a validhardcopy statutory declaration containing:

  • The member's name and member number
  • Details of the original payment, including contribution type
  • Brief explanation of the error
  • The amount to be refunded
  • The bank details for refund payment

Please post your completed statutory declaration to:

Future Super GPO Box 2754 Brisbane QLD 4001

Please note that we cannot refund these payments without receiving a valid statutory declaration.


What information do I need to pay employer contributions via a clearing house?

To set up contribution payments for a Future Super member in a clearing house, you will just need the following:

Fund name: Future Super or Future Super Fund

ABN: 45 960 194 277

USI: 45 960 194 277 010

Member number (request this from the employee)

Note - If you are a small business with 19 or fewer employees,or a turnover of less than $10 million a year, you can access the ATO's Small Business Super Clearing House (SBSCH). To register or find out more, go to


What is a clearing house?

A superannuation clearing house is an electronic gateway that allows you to make all your super contributions for all your employees in one single payment. Using a clearing house is a SuperStream compliant way to pay super contributions.

The ATO's SuperStream certified product register contains a list of commercial clearing houses available.

Alternatively, if you have 19 or fewer employees, or a turnover of less than $10 million a year, you can use the free Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (SBSCH).

Read more about how to access the Small Business Super Clearing House (SBSCH) Service on the ATO website:

Please check out our Employers page to access our clearing house details.


What is SuperStream?

SuperStream is an electronic gateway which streamlines the way employers make super contributions for their employees. All employers must pay super contributions in a SuperStream compliant way.

The only exceptions for non-compliance are:

  • Self-employed people or sole traders paying their own super contributions.
  • If the employer is a director or employee of their own incorporated business and the business pays super to their Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF). However, super contributions to any super fund other than the director or employee's own SMSF and for all other employees do need to be SuperStream compliant.

To be SuperStream compliant, contributions and identifying data must be sent electronically. The money and information are transferred between the employers, superannuation funds, service providers and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

The ATO has a handy Step-by-Step Guide for ensuring you are paying super contributions in a SuperStream compliant way.
